Most do not take part in using Social Media with ‘Media’ being the key Component because they don’t know how or think it will be too expensive and take too much of their time.  4C multimedia is your affordable go to media coach for creating your media presence online while leveraging multiple platforms without any ad spend. Why 4C?  Because we believe that Consistent, Compliant, Content = Closings and we can show you how its done! If you are a small business owner or sales professional in need of coaching, editing and support to help you develop more leads, let us show you how its done! We can even review your current strategy and help you fix why you aren’t getting the views you desire. There has never been a better time to leverage multiple platforms for free to get your message to the masses. No matter your profession, we can help you develop a short and long form content strategy that delivers for you. Schedule a time to meet with one of our media coaches and together we can show you how its done! With coaching and support for as little as $99 a month, you can’t go wrong with 4Cmultimedia!

Video Services

Video is the fasting growing segment for conveying your message and drawing attention to you or your brand

Editing & Post Production

Let us take your raw video and create a visually compelling message for use on multiple media platforms  

Channel Services

Custom Build outs for YouTube, and Facebook Business Pages as well as Channel Management

Create & Customize

Our team stands ready to help you build a brand and content marketing strategy 

Content Services

Our Team can assist with developing your message and coach you on growing your personal brand

Scripts & Promotion

Our SCRIPTS program will help you deliver a consistent message as the hard work is already done for you.

Schedule A FREE Consult - Let us show you how to easily develop Media to build business and provide a plan to help you get started - You Are Worth it!

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4C Multimedia is a division of My Mortgage Trainer, Inc.